TET Estel was awarded with the title „Strongest in Estonia“ and „Strongest for 5 years“

Dear colleagues and partners!
We are pleased to inform you that based on its economic performance, TET Estel has once again received the certificate “Strongest in Estonia 2022” with an AAA credit rating, as well as the title of “Successful Estonian Enterprise 2018-2022” - Strongest for 5 years.
According to the international scale - AAA is the highest rating, which corresponds to only 0.7% of all Estonian companies. This rating is the result of an assessment of the economic, financial and tax indicators of the enterprise, as well as compliance with payment discipline.
The “Successful Estonian Enterprise 2018-2022” certificate is awarded to those companies who prove their sustainability and high A-group credit rating for 5 years in a row. According to Creditinfo Eesti, only 3.8% of Estonian companies have a stable high A-group credit rating.
Obtaining these certificates is proof of TET Estel contribution to the development of the Estonian economy and a conscientious business culture.